We are all so busy in our lives and sometimes we forget or don't take time to go for the joy. Life is always going to be busy so we have to make sure that we insert some joy in our days. Otherwise, life is going to pass us by and we will have done so many things that we have to do but not necessarily what we want to do.
Joy is something for ourselves. It celebrates being alive and being in our bodies. Being part of ourselves.
My husband has been umm-ing and ahh-ing about joining the cricket team. For many months. We are really busy and our weekends are busy so any free time we do manage to find we like to spend it together. Our time together is precious. Well, he grabbed the joy. He had his first practice yesterday and he had so much fun. He loved it. Needless to say, I will be going to a lot of cricket games over the next months and you know what - that is me grabbing my joy.
Life is for the living!