This is a lesson that my father taught me a long time ago when I first started school. There we all were, nervous but excited and without many life skills to know how to navigate the waters. I can still remember a few words of wisdom my father gave me back then - to be myself, be kind when possible and be the kind of person you would like to meet. I was five years old! But I never forgot that lesson and it has been a very useful life skill throughout my life.
By our being self-aware and practicing these life skills this will possibly bring some lovely people into our lives. Not everyone is someone we want to meet, obviously. We know that. And also not everyone is nice or kind and we need to learn that as quickly as possible and move on from those people. Be careful of people that will want to use your kindness and generosity for their own reasons, while at the same time giving nothing back to you. People do tend to like a giver but be careful not to be the only one doing the giving!
And most importantly of all, be yourself. If you are having a challenging day and just don't have it in you that day- then that is completely understandable. But when you can, please do. You might just meet someone as lovely as you are. And that is wonderful.